Ultimate breaking forces

With its extreme resistance to negative external influences and outstanding all-round characteristics, the non rotation-resistant rope excels in building construction and civil engineering.


— Ordinary lay or lang lay, right or left lay

— 8xK26WS-EPIWRC(K), RCN 09

— Use without swivel

— Special construction of inner core

✔ Multilayer Spooling



Since steel wire ropes are used under extreme conditions both in building construction and in civil engineering, operational safety and reliability play an important role. EVOLUTION QS816V from Teufelberger-Redaelli combines reliability and operational safety due to its excellent all-round characteristics, on the one hand, with robustness and durability due to the rope design with the PLASTFILL® insert, on the other hand.

Benefits of EVOLUTION QS816V:

  • Reliability and operational safety due to the high durability of the rope at very high minimum breaking forces
  • Long service life due to the wear-optimized design and the PLASTFILL® insert protecting the core
  • Excellent spooling characteristics in multilayer spooling due to high dimensional stability under lateral pressure
  • Low wear achieved by SUPERFILL® compaction of all strands allows a perfect use in scraper installations
Diameter Weight Minimum breaking force
1770 N/mm² 1960 N/mm² 2160 N/mm²
[mm] [inch] [kg/m] [lbs/ft] [kN] [lbf] [kN] [lbf] [kN] [lbf]
10 0.47 0.32 83.4 18,749 92.4 20,772 100 22,481
11 7⁄16 0.56 0.38 101 22,706 112 25,179 121 27,202
12 0.68 0.46 120 26,977 133 29,900 144 32,372
13 0.81 0.54 141 31,698 156 35,070 172 38,667
14 9⁄16 0.93 0.62 163 36,644 181 40,690 198 44,512
15 1.05 0.71 188 42,264 208 46,760 226 50,807
16 1.21 0.81 214 48,109 236 53,055 256 57,551
17 1.37 0.92 241 54,179 267 60,024 289 64,970
18 1.55 1.04 270 60,698 299 67,218 324 72,838
19 ¾ 1.69 1.14 302 67,892 335 75,311 369 82,955
20 1.86 1.25 334 75,086 369 82,955 402 90,373
21 2.06 1.38 374 84,079 414 93,071 449 100,939
22 2.34 1.57 408 91,722 451 101,389 497 111,730
23 2.55 1.71 445 100,040 492 110,606 543 122,071
24 2.75 1.85 480 107,908 532 119,598 577 129,715
25 1 2.98 2.00 521 117,125 577 129,715 633 142,304
26 3.23 2.17 564 126,792 624 140,281 678 152,420
27 3.40 2.28 608 136,684 673 151,296 730 164,111
28 3.76 2.53 656 147,475 726 163,211 800 179,847
28.58 1 ⅛ 3.81 2.56 681 153,095 754 169,506 820 184,343
29 3.92 2.63 701 157,591 777 174,677 847 190,413
30 4.36 2.93 764 171,754 846 190,188 901 202,553
32 1 ¼ 4.93 3.31 864 194,235 957 215,142 1,042 234,251
34 5.55 3.73 964 216,716 1,068 240,096 1,157 260,104
36 6.27 4.21 1,081 243,018 1,197 269,096 1,297 291,577
38 1 ½ 6.99 4.70 1,222 274,717 1,354 304,391 1,445 324,849
40 7.80 5.24 1,342 301,694 1,486 334,066 1,601 359,919
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